Okay I know it has taken me forever to post on here, but I was so happy that I finally found some things that I can blog about and figured this would be blog worry for sure and wouldn't take a long time to tell.
So yesterday I went to an all day conference with my brother Gary that was held at Chase field.
It was filled with seminars for Dell computers and was somewhat boring and I didn't take pictures at the conference because it was that boring. But the boringness paid off in the end. The day was also filled with free food and a D-backs game where we sat in the legends party suite...it was pretty awesome.
We got to watch batting practice
and then the throw back game
But the best part was the raffle drawing!!! Dell was giving out some great gifts in the raffle like autographed baseballs, bats, shirts, gift cards and some electronics, ect. So to make my chances higher of being picked I made sure that I bent the side of my raffle sheet...I heard that bending it helps from a couple people and I can say that it has worked for them many times. As each name was drawn I knew it wasn't mine, since I made mine so distinct but I was filled with anticipation as each name was called and the prizes were awarded to each person drawn but low and behold bending it paid off....I was the last name to be drawn and I won the grand prize :) and this is what I won...
A Dell Latitude Laptop E6320!
Yes I am still shocked because I never win anything like this, but I guess I can say that my luck has sure made its way and I will take it to my advantage. And yes this isn't the best picture of me since I took it this morning after I woke up, but I wanted to have a pic with me in it!!!
The end of the night was topped off by a win by the D-backs and fireworks...it was a grand Friday to say the least.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
They Win...We Win...I Win!!!!!
Posted by beckysue at 10:25 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 19, 2011
I Am No Longer a Temp
I sure am going to miss my job at Devry University and it hasn't really sunk in yet, but come tomorrow when I have nothing to do it will kick in. At first I am going to love it, but when there isn't as much money in my bank account is when I will worry...but I am sure that it wont suffer that much, since I am dedicated to finding a new job that suits my needs and wants at this time!!!
What I am going to miss at Devry is a mix of a few things....
1 - Peeking over my tall desk everyday to see who walked in the door
2- Oddly enough my annoying lanyard...which became sort of a security blanket for me...there hasn't been a day that I haven't worn it, besides occassional Saturdays and every Sunday. It was attached to me, even when I went over to friends houses after work.
3 - The candy jar...always full of delicious candy that I couldn't keep my hands off...it is what made me gain an extra few pounds over the past few months hahahahaha just kidding, but oddly enough I had blast from the past moments everytime I ate nerds and bottle caps...oh the good'ol days when candy cost 3-5 cents for a pack of nerds or 15 cents for a jolly rancher stick...that could be an entirely different post on its own though lol
4 - Ocean Blue Frozen Yogurt...today was my last time going for a while...Pistacio and banana were my favortite flavors
5 - My desk...it was always well organized and I loved working with 2 monitors! I wont however miss the phone that is on the right...we would get random calls from people and every once in a while I would get someone that was mad at a co-worker of mine who just loved to take their frustrations out on me. Plus after a while they started taping our conversations on the phone, so I could no longer speak to friends on the phone...blah blah blah
6 - the fun fountains and relaxing areas at Westgate. I would go down to these fountains every chance that I could get when I needed a break...I happened to have my nieces one day after work and they had a blast in the fountains.
7 - My boss and all my co-workers...they were the best people to work with and on my last day they gave me a card and a beautiful plant....I will miss them all.
Posted by beckysue at 7:11 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 13, 2011
Where is the L.O.V.E.
So yesterday became a grand day after this arrived early in the afternoon :)

Posted by beckysue at 3:38 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 28, 2011

Posted by beckysue at 3:16 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What to do???
When you are at work and you find yourself with nothing to do, you get a little creative...
If you are anything like me, you can't find yourself sitting there with nothing to do, so while I was bored out of my mind at work I decided to:
Take pictures -
1-of me doing nothing, but thinking of what I can do that is fun!
2-of me being scary/weird
3-abstract angles of my keyboard
While browsing Facebook, cause we all know that is something you can do for hours :)
Then, browsing pictures that are on my phone, so that I can add them to this post, like
1-finding a picture of my nephew pulling my sisters hair while she fell asleep on our way back from Florence, AZ
2-a picture of me in a locker while attending BYU-Idaho...yes my friend didnt believe that I could fit in there and yes I proved her wrong!
3-me graduating from COLLEGE...sorry it is blurry, but is really only 1 of the ones I have
4-going to NYC baby!!!
5-Eating the best hot dog in NYC at Gray's Papaya
6- Going into work - happy as a clam...which happens most days!
7-taking my nieces and Brother to DISNEYLAND
8-taking a picture of my nephews being silly in the bathtub...aka being Santa Clause
9-Finding photos of friends that took photos of themselves on my camera :) love you Selena

10- visiting with friends in Utah

11- taking pics with the roommates with our Macs - which happened a ton, but I only have 1

12- dressing up like a Mexican for Halloween

13- Finding a snuggie for a dog while waiting to check out at Walmart :)

14- Hanging out in the Reid's pantry, since we all know they have the best drinks stored in their second fridge....yummy Dr. Pepper :) as you can see this picture is really old..check out how short my hair was!
Posted by beckysue at 6:49 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Best News of the Week!!!
So I am not only happy that today is the beginning of the weekend, but....
Guess what made it's way in the mail today??????
Awww YEAH!!!! I have been waiting forever to receive this and I am thankful that I was able to accomplish this before I got too old.
I couldn't stop smiling as I read my letter from the President of BYU Idaho :)
Too bad no one was home with me to share in the joy
It is now official...I have been waiting for this to come for months. I am glad that is finally came :) Now when get and awesome job I can hang this in my future office, if I ever get an office.
I was so happy that I took like 15 pictures of my diploma!!!!
Now I have to find a frame for this bad boy.
Posted by beckysue at 8:37 PM 1 comments